Friday, March 30, 2012

Perfect Ginger Tea

Perfect Ginger Tea
Serves 2

Buy some fresh, organic ginger, cut a chunk off about 1 inch by 1 inch to start.  Peel the skin and grate the ginger.  Boil 2 cups water and place ginger in a teapot, cover with water and let seep 5 minutes.  If you do not have a grater, slice the ginger thinly and crush a little bit before placing in the pot.  

To find your perfect cup of tea, taste it after seeping for 5 minutes.  If you want a stronger taste, add some more and let seep a couple minutes.  I usually use a piece about 1 inch wide by 1 1/2 inches long because I like the flavor to be more pronounced.  

When seeping tea, cover the entire teapot with kitchen towels to keep the heat in and ensure your cup will be hot when it's ready!

Fresh ginger tea is a lot more sweet than store bought teabags.  It is wonderful after meals to promote digestion and when you are sick to give your immune system a boost.  You can use the ginger for two pots of tea (4 cups) afterwards, you will need to add some more ginger because the flavor will not be strong.

Enjoy :)

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