Monday, March 12, 2012


Although it's late here and I should be sleeping, I can't get enough of TasteSpotting.  (Type vegan in the search bar or whatever you're looking for.)  I go a tiny bit crazy every time I look at it... All the amazing recipes!!  Too bad it's 1am and my fridge is empty :(

Recipes I'm dying to try;

vegan mushroom & kale lasagna with rosemary cashew sauce
coconut & almond crusted banana pancakes
hummus & grilled vegetable pizza
vegetable & edamame pasta with basil cream sauce
thick & chewy chocolate chip cookies
chili bean mash
carrot coconut cake
fettuccine in creamy garlicky butter bean sauce with sage
pineapple pizzas

OMGGG, I'm starving now...

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