Saturday, March 17, 2012

Banana soft serve with chocolate fudge syrup

Banana soft serve

In the food processor, combine 1 cup sliced FROZEN banans and 1/4 cup fresh almond milk and process until ice cream!

Chocolate fudge syrup

Combine 1 TBSP raw carob powder and 2 TBSP raw agave nectar in a bowl.  Mix with a fork until well combined.  At first, it will seem like they will never combine, but stir for a little and it will soon turn to syrup!  This is sweet so you don't need a lot!  If it's too thick, add a little more agave.  The way it hardens when placed on the ice cream is amazing.  Brings you back to childhood and hot fudge sundays.

I found these banana split pictures I must have forgotten to post, and I don't remember exactly how I made it.  I think for the wafer on bottom I just blended some bananas with a TBSP agave, spread it thick on a parchment lined baking sheet and "dehydrated" it in my oven on the lowest setting for a couple hours or until hard (taste like an ice cream cone!)  For the strawberry puree I dried out some sliced strawberries in the oven on the lowest setting until the middles were soft but the outsides were dry and blended it in the processor.  Place the wafers on bottom, split a banana and spread banana soft serve on it.  top with fresh cut strawberries and berries, strawberry pure and chocolate fudge syrup.  I just remembered, there is also cashew whipped cream on there, recipe here.  Lots of steps but it was worth it, and the huge stomach ache afterwards...

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