Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Good morning!

Almond Cashew milk.  So rich and creamy!  Soak 1 cup almonds and 1 cup cashews overnight in 4 cups water.   Blend in the morning with the soak water and strain!

Almond butter is sooo simple to make and amazing fresh so I usually make a cup in the morning to eat with apples and banana.

Simply blend 2 cups raw almonds, or if your processor is tiny like mine, fill it with almonds until just above the last blade (mine has two blades-about 1 1/2 cups almonds)

Almost there!  You'll need to scrape down the sides every 30 seconds or so for a couple minutes so everything can process, your blender will most likely tell you when it's time to scrape down... mine will stop processing all together and sound like the tops going to fly off, haha!  I use a plastic chopstick to move everything around.  After 6 or 7 times of scraping the sides (stick with it!), it will start to magically blend by itself and you can watch it spin around, getting creamy and delicious!  Let it blend for a couple minutes, check for creamy-ness (careful, the blender heats up and the almond butter will be extremely hot!) and transfer to a glass jar.  Let cool before storing in the fridge.  This will keep for a long time but in my house, it's never lasted more than 2 days!

10 minutes, a mess and a cup of coffee later.....

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