Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Woke up this morning feeling stupid and sad because I didn't listen to my instincts and let my decision be influenced by someone else, so I'm trying to switch to a positive, grateful mindset.  These are some things I'm really appreciative of at the moment;

Nothing like new a new running top and itsy bitsy shorts to motivate you to work hard on your body!  Both from Lululemon.


Dear mom, Tarot cards are NOT evil..

The Hermit
Holding the lamp of truth, ready to help every man who cries for the light.  Only those who dare, do, and keep silent can see the light of the Hermit's lamp.  "Be humble, if thou wouldst attain Wisdom;  be humbler still when Wisdom thou hast mastered!"  The number 9 is the number of pure intellect.  Ever Soul is upon some step of the path; we ourselves may have passed them on the way.  When we refuse to recognize the Divine Center in others we are bearing false witness, for we are not seeing our fellow men as they are.

Taken from the book in the picture, A complete guide to the Tarot by Eden Gray

Gross spanish dollar store candle, but I liked the quote on the back: Oh! most loving St. Martin your concern for your neighbor was so great that you did not hesitate to divide your cloak and give half of it to someone in need.  Intercede for us with God so that we may be inspired with a similar love and thus found deserving of eternal life. Amen.

Free papasan chair from craigslist...our only piece of furniture :p

Oh my poor baby!  Look at that hand!  His brother is currently being punished for doing that to him by not getting his picture taken.

Look at me, I'm so old and cute!! 

Attempting to take a picture with Peter Pan..

Yeah...it's not really working

Reach for the stars
By the way..  
When you have a calling for something or feel a deep desire/need to do something, you should use your best judgement and listen to what your soul is telling you.  Don't be influenced by what other people think or say, they are not you!  They don't know what's going on inside of your mind and body and they certainly don't know what's best for you!!  You need to develop your internal guidance system and let that be your path.  Your path is already laid out and you will get little hints to pull you in the right direction, this could be anything from omens to a bad feeling to an impulsive drink with a friend.  Have you ever gone out to eat on an impulse and ran into an old friend, or met someone new and you think "Oh that is such a coincidence!"  Well there's no such thing as coincidences.  You are where you are because your life has a plan for you and when you follow the good feelings and thoughts you will attract things in the same vibration.  Like attracts like.  If something feels right, do it, if it doesn't then find what feels good and do it.  That's all you need to know.  And if you keep going towards what feels good, eventually you will come into alignment with your true self and the wonders of the universe will rapidly unfold in your favor.

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