Monday, March 12, 2012

Not so traditional doughnuts and an iced latte

Made these the night before and somehow I didn't touch a single one, saved them for the morning so I could enjoy them with an iced latte... mmmmm.  They are nothing at all like the doughnuts you're used to, but they have a sweet, unique taste and I really liked them.  Especially the chocolate ones!  If you made these the night before, let them sit at room temperature for a minute before serving.

Adapted from Nouveau Raw

1 cup almonds
1 cup sunflower seeds (she uses pecans, I think that would be better but sunflower works too!)
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1/2 cup buckwheat flour or oat flour (make your own by processing buckwheat groats or oats until fine) or or all-purpose flour.
8 soft pitted dates
1/4 cup agave nectar
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp sea salt
3 1/2 TBSP cacao or carob powder (optional)

Preheat oven to 250 degrees and line a baking sheet with foil.

In the food processor, process almonds, sunflower and coconut until fine.  Place in a mixing bowl and set aside.

Make buckwheat flour.  Add dates, agave, vanilla and sea salt and PULSE at first until combined, then process for about 30 seconds.  Add to the mixing bowl and smash with a spoon into the almond-sunflower-coconut mixture until combined.  Use your hands to mix some more until you can form balls that stay together.

Place half of the mixture back in the food processor with 1 tsp water and pulse about 10 times using with short pulses and then process for 20 seconds or until combined.  Roll dough into logs and form donuts, place on foil. Makes about 5.

If you are not using carob powder, go ahead and repeat with the process with the rest of the dough.  If you are using carob powder, place half in the processor, fill halfway with the rest of the dough, add the rest of the carob powder and the rest of the dough on top of that (it mixes easier if placed in the processor in layers).  PULSE with quick, short pulses until combined.  If dough is dry you can add the tiniest bit water or agave.  Roll into logs and form donuts, place on foil.  Makes about 5.

Bake for 15 minutes.  Let cool before frosting.

I used the g-lazy glaze.  Keep stirring to combine the banana and coconut oil fully.. You'll see it getting whiter and thicker.  To make it easier, I held each doughnut over the pan and spooned the glaze over, letting the rest fall back in the pan.  This made just enough for 10 doughnuts.  The glaze was good, but it's not something you'd want to lick off your plate because of the coconut oil.  On the donuts you don't taste it though, but maybe mess around with a couple small batches of different frostings like this or this.

For the iced latte, brew a strong 1/2 cup coffee while you're making almond milk or the night before.  When room temperature, mix with 1/2 cup almond milk and some ice cubes! optional to add vanilla and agave for a sweeter drink, but honestly, ice coffee if the best when you can taste the coffee and it's not overpowered by sweeteners. 

I attempted the chocolate ganache but it didn't go so well.  My chocolate making skills are way off, for some reason all my chocolate turns hard like a dough instead of a melty chocolate.... I'm pretty sure it's the carob powder because all recipes call for cacao or cocoa powder and I've been using carob.  Oh well, still just as good!!  I made these while I was waiting for my doughnuts to bake and I used my hands to cover them with the "ganache" (press it around the balls and roll between your hands to make it smooth).  Check out the rest of the blog by the way, it's amazing!

Currently listening to this.  A dreamy, sort of sad mix but full of amazing songs.

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