Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If I ate breakfast...

I would make these;

Easy oatmeal- Heat up some almond milk until it starts to bubble up, turn heat off, mix in oatmeal until almost full but not all the way, you want there to be milk still floating around so when the oatmeal starts absorbing the milk, it is moist and not dry.  Throw in a cup of fruit, fresh or frozen, bananas, blueberry and strawberries are my favorite.  Drizzle with maple syrup or agave nectar and let sit covered for 5-10 mins.  You can make oatmeal in hundreds of ways, mix in some cocoa/carob powder and chocolate chips for chocolate oatmeal, add raisins, banana, and cinnamon for a sweet simple meal,  add applesauce or apples, chopped dates and a dash of cinnamon..mmm! mix in some almond butter and jam..it's really endless.

Tofu Scramble Breakfast Burrito-  Drain tofu and squeeze out excess water, you can do this in handfuls and crumble into a bowl when the water is all out.  Fry some onions and garlic in olive oil, thrown in the crumbled tofu, season with turmeric, salt, pepper, oregano or any seasonings you like (you can't go wrong, throw in anything you have.  If you want a cheesy flavor throw in some nutritional yeast now or at the end) and let cook until tofu starts to brown.  Toss in some chopped mushrooms, broccoli and whatever else you like, add more olive oil, let cook until all the veggies are tender.  At the end, throw in chopped tomatoes and cook just until tomatoes are barely heated, 2-3 mins.  Wrap this up in a tortilla plain (my favorite) or with some tofutti cream cheese spread on the tortilla and some fresh parsley, cilantro and chopped green onions.  Also wrapped in pita bread is amazing.  You can add some potatoes if you want this to be really filling, or replace tofu all together with potatoes, regular or sweet potatoes are both great!!

Creamy cashew mushroom kale pasta- from Nectar

Grilled un-cheese- also from Nectar  I'll have to make this soon!  I'll use oil instead of margarine sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes and maybe I will find a good gluten free bread, if not I might try this sauce in a casserole.

Toast with avocado and tomato-  Simple as it sounds, make some toast with sliced bread, a bagel or english muffin, spread some margarine or tofutti cream cheese, chop avocado and tomato and sprinkle garlic powder, salt and pepper...soooooo goooodddd!!!!

MMM donuts!-  from VeganDad (check out his blog for more amazing recipes!)  and raw donuts from Nouveau Raw.

Potato Quesadillas- more from VeganDad.  I'll have to make these with some kind of nutritional yeast sauce and gluten free homemade tortilla...hmm...

Aloo Parathas- from vegan yum yum, don't ask, just look......and make!

Sweet potato rounds- from Choosing Raw, I might make these now actually!! Don't have any avocado?  You could top them with anything, some ideas;  tofutti cream cheese or sour cream with diced tomatoes, my spicy nutritional yeast sauce from here, bake it with this nutritional yeast sauce on top, or the un-cheese sauce above (grilled un cheese) or spread this cashew creamy sauce on with fresh herbs and chopped green onion.

Actually...I'm going to make this;  Mini Quiche- from Shiitake Blog.

Smoothies- Make one when you wake up to satisfy you while you're cooking or until you get hungry enough for an actual meal.. blend almond milk with any fresh or frozen fruit.  My favorite is a simple almond milk and frozen bananas smoothie.   From there you could add anything you want, more fruit, almond butter, chocolate powder, jam.. get creative.  Also good is frozen banana and blueberry blended with water.  (buy fruits on sale and freeze a bunch)

I'm working on some breakfast chewy bars I will post soon!!!  Hoping to figure out some gluten free muffins soon too...check back soon!  In the meantime, here are some great vegan blogs;
http://www.shiitakeblog.com/   recipe tab on top of page!

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