Thursday, March 15, 2012

"LARA Bars" or 5 minute raw energy bar recipes

I can't get over how easy these are to make and they are SO GOOD.  You just process dates until they are like a paste, dump it in a mixing bowl, process cashews till they are small chunks (not flour!) and mix it in the bowl with the dates....soooooooooooo simple.  Add anything else to make your favorite flavor!  Place on plastic wrap in a long bar form and smoosh to desired thickness, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate a couple hours.  Depending on how thin you roll it out, it makes 2-4 bars.  Recipes here.  

I tried the "cashew cookie" and I adapted the "chocolate coconut macaroon"- I made the cashew cookie, mixed in about 1 TBSP carob powder and 1 1/2 TBSP shredded coconut and a dash of cinnamon.  Both are amazing, I can't believe it takes literally 5 minutes (maybe less!)

I wish so badly I had chocolate chips to mix into the cashew cookie...mmmmmmmmm!

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