Friday, March 30, 2012

Best cashew mac and cheese

Recipe here.  Substitute grapeseed oil with melted coconut oil, and reduce the nutritional yeast to only 3 TBSP.  This is really the best.  I used macaroni made from rice so it was gluten free, although I did toast some organic bread crumbs for the top but this is not necessary.

Stir fry some green onions, broccoli and mushrooms in coconut oil until tender.  Chop some tomatoes and throw them in just long enough to heat.

Mix it all together and serve over red and green leaf lettuce and parsley!

You can also substitute cooked pasta for cooked rice and its equally amazing.  The rice alternative would be so good in a tortilla!  This is such a good meal, add more nutritional yeast for a more cheesy flavor, less for a more alfredo flavor.

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