Sunday, March 25, 2012

Apple pie turnovers

from here.

I used about 2 1/2 apples, a bunch of cinnamon, squeeze of half small lemon and about 4 tbsp agave instead of stevia (enough to coat all the apples and a little extra).  I brushed the tops with the leftover agave-cinnamon mix and sprinkled natural sugar on the tops.  Bake about 20 mins until bottoms are brown and juice is starting to ooze out, let cool on a plate and enjoy with black coffee!  

This video explains folding fillo great! (no need to cut it, just follow directions in recipe)  Fillo is really tricky, make sure to keep a damp clean towel over what you aren't using because it dries out FAST.  Be very careful not to rip but if you do you can patch it with some olive oil and extra fillo.  When you get your fillo ready to fold according to the recipe, you will see there is two ways you can choose to fold it.  One way will give you a long skinny sheet, one will give you a fat sheet.  I chose the long skinny way and made mine a bit smaller, thus making more, but I think the fat way would be easier, just not as crispy.  If this doesn't make sense, disregard entirely and fold anyway your heart desires.  It really doesn't matter, it won't last long anyways!!  These are so good!

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