Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sprouted lentil salad with coconut oil-balsamic vinegar dressing

Sprouting beans is really simple and totally beneficial.  It brings them back to life (who knows how many months or years they've been sitting around in the bag before you bought them?), makes them easier to digest, less prone to produce gas and packs them full of nutrients and vitamins.  The best part is, you can eat them raw, preserving all these benefits.

All you need to do is choose your favorite beans, rinse them a couple times and soak them overnight (8-12 hrs for lentils, check for your bean here) in filtered water.  In the morning, rinse again and place in a glass jar (or a strainer is easier, if the holes are small enough so nothing falls out, place over a bowl to drain the excess water), cover the opening with a square of cheesecloth.  Turn the jar on it's side and shake a little to distribute lentils evenly.  Place propped up on a bowl or something, so that the opening of the jar is facing down, this is so the water can drain as it sits.  Rinse again before bed and place it back on it's side in the bowl (rinsing should take place every 8-12 hours).  Repeat this the next day and you should have sprouts by dinnertime.  You can leave them longer if you want longer sprouts, I would suggest putting them in the fridge to sprout if it's been more than two days.  You can sprout them up to 6 days.

These are so tasty in a salad or by the handful, but here are some other suggestions;

Blend sprouted lentils with an avocado for a spread, mash into a garden patty, sprinkle with a little garlic powder, salt and pepper for a snack, stir-fry them with some seasonings and veggies, you can also cook these and use them like usual-they will only need 5 minutes of cooking.

More on the benefits of sprouting lentils here.

My salad is packed full of goodies including; yellow squash, white onions, tomatoes, red, orange and green bell peppers, parsley, green onions, arugula, and green and red leaf lettuce.

Coconut oil-balsamic vinegar dressing
serves 1

Simply melt 1 TBSP coconut oil over low heat.  In a small bowl, mix the coconut oil and add 1 TBSP balsamic vinegar, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, dash salt and black pepper and a pinch a cumin.  Whisk with a fork until the oil and vinegar are combined and drizzle over your salad.  

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