Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You want it-you get it

Been thinking a lot about how to attract more money into my life and become financially independent and usually I focus on all the obstacles and then I wonder why what I want doesn't come.  If you are focused on the "reality" or what you don't have, you bring more of what you don't have.  Abraham Hicks always says, focus on what feels good and it will come, its the law (of attraction that is...)  So instead of seeing the small amount of money I have and all the possessions I want that I don't have I am giving my attention to thoughts that make me feel good.. like where I picture myself in 5 years;

Living in Hawaii 10 steps from the most beautiful beach you'll ever see.  I have huge backyard organic garden and all my favorite fruits and vegetables are a simple pluck away.  It's 530am, I'm laying on a day-bed in the backyard reading Walden for the hundredth time and drinking a cup of freshly ground coffee.  The breeze is warm and the sun is starting to peak out of the horizon.  I can smell the homemade bread baking in the oven, it's almost time for breakfast; toast with avocado and tomato and a fruit salad on the side, all from the garden, of course.  

There is a very Zen quality to my home, from the decorations and furniture to the overall atmosphere.  There is my room, a guest room, an office, a sewing/art room, a library and the usual living, dining and kitchen areas.  The main rooms have large balconies and panoramic views of the ocean.  Although there is a library, there are books strewed throughout the house along with fruits and flowers.  

I start my days early so I can fit in all I enjoy; Work-overseeing my businesses and creating new ones.  Learning new things daily-whether it be classes I've always wanted to take, a trip to the library to research something new, or reading a book about finance.  Pleasure-creating art, hanging out with friends, going out to eat, taking naps.  Exercise (also pleasure)- running, hiking, surfing and trying new things like kite surfing, exploring a new area of town on foot.  Cooking/baking-trying a new recipe, cooking everything from scratch, preserving fruits and veggies for later use, making jams, breads and spices.  Meditation/Yoga- at least once a day to clear the mind and get in touch with my inner being.  Blissful sleep-I don't need much, but a couple hours of restful sleep to prepare for the day ahead while practicing lucid dreaming, never waste a second of the day :) 

I am able to have these things and the opportunity to make my own schedule because I am financially independent and the money is flowing to me.  I am a powerful magnet to my desires.

I believe in the law of attraction-you want it you get it- as long as you keep your focus on it.  When you focus on what feels good to you it has to come.  I love to write in great detail what I want my life to be, or rather what I know it will be and what I can't wait to enjoy!  I know one day I will be living my dream and it brings me the happiest feeling so I know I'm focusing in the right direction.  

What's with the egg, you ask?  This morning I went for a run and was focusing exactly on this thought and my eye caught on a little pink easter egg sitting by itself on the sidewalk, with nothing else but a one dollar bill inside.  I take this as a good omen of the money to come if I keep my attention on what I want, instead of what I don't have.

What are your dreams and goals?  Write them in as much detail as possible and envision yourself living this dream daily.  This is a good first step towards your goals.  After you know what you want, decide how you'll get there.  Write out a step by step plan, in as much detail as possible, and STICK WITH IT.  You only have to decide, and then follow through and you can have anything you want.

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