Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cheesy left-over casserole

This was one of those there’s no food in the house-I’m starving-what are we going to do for dinner?? kind of nights, so I whipped this up, and as you can probably tell from the pictures..it was amazing.
I had some leftover cooked spaghetti squash with no sauce, some steamed broccoli, a portabella mushroom and half a red bell pepper laying around, so I threw it all in a casserole dish and covered it with this creamy mock cheese sauce and I was absolutely amazed with the results.  It was so tasty and left me feeling satisfied, not stuffed like usual cooked meals.  I want this every night!!!
You can basically throw in whatever you have on hand, but I love the combination I made.  The flavors really work well together with the cheesy sauce.  If you are using a vegetable that takes forever to cook, like broccoli or carrots, steam it first until tender to cut cooking time in half and make life a lot easier.  Substitute spaghetti squash for regular cooked pasta or cooked rice.  I used to make this with rice, broccoli and veggie chicken and it was amazing.
Put the oven on 450, cook uncovered and watch it after about 30 mins.  The top will turn golden brown when done.  I let mine bake a little longer because I love the combination of the thicker cooked cheese on top and the gooey cheese in the middle.  I also put it under the broiler for a couple minutes, watching it closely, to try to get the top a bit darker.  It was so simple and easy, I couldn't believe it.

I'm so glad to be vegan..  

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