Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dream big

I carry around a couple birthday candles to help celebrate the little things, like you got an A on your test, or you tried something new that you didn't have the courage to try before.  I lit a birthday candle to celebrate a job interview process that went very, very well.  

 I have always been a terrible interviewee... Although I always prepared myself through practice and research, I would get so nervous, shy and would forget everything I wanted to say...  I never have been comfortable in an interview.. that is until I interviewed with Lululemon.  First of all, all the girls are amazing and so sweet, you feel right at home with them.  Second, the preparing I did for the interview CHANGED MY LIFE.  

Lululemon is all about balance, well being for body, mind and soul, positive thoughts, goals!, and a friendly, caring staff.  The online application asks you some fun questions to get to know your personality, e.g. "How have you elevated someone from mediocrity to greatness?" "How will you elevate Lululemon?" "How would you spend an ideal day off with no financial limits?"  I thought long and hard about these questions, not necessarily from wanting to impress them, but mostly because I didn't know myself anymore.  I've been sleepwalking through life and didn't even realize.  For the past couple years, I've been putting myself last, working for people I didn't like, and spending way too much time mindlessly getting by.. I would listen to all these inspirational cds and feel so good, then I would ruin the rest of the day by letting a mean comment go to my head.  I blamed everyone for my problems and it never occurred to me that I could be happy if I wanted to be.  

Lululemon contacted me for an interview and I was supposed to bring a copy of my goals, a 10, 5 and 1 year goal for your career, health and personal.  Oh man... I had no idea where to start... For as long as I can remember, my dream was to become a famed fashion designer of a women's vegan line.  I love clothing, I have a burning passion for it.  But for some reason when I would think about being a designer, I'd get this horrible feeling in my gut.  I pictured myself, 30 years old in my NY skyrise apartment with brick walls and high ceilings, living my dream as a designer.  The only problem is that the fashion business clashes with everything I believe in.  Considering my only other goal in life has been to become a Buddhist monk and live in an ashram for the rest of my life, it's kind of a shock to me that I fell so deeply in love with fashion.  I'm not materialistic in the sense that I am excessively concerned with physical comforts.  I love to buy nice things, and I will shell out a considerable amount of cash for quality, but it comes from a place within that tells me, I am important, I am worthy of these things, why not spend some more money on something that is made to last opposed to something you'll have for two weeks and throw away (think Alexander Wang vs. Forever21).  I'm attracted to so many types of businesses from animal rescue and vegan restaurants, to real estate and fashion design, from inner peace to fame and wealth.  When I sat down to write my goal, I had a realization;  Why can't I have EVERYTHING I want???  If you think about it, we're going to be in this life for a lonnnnnnng time, you might as well enjoy it.  In my opinion, if you are not doing what you love YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME!!!  

At Lululemon, they have a specific way of writing out your goals to help you visualize your life with the end in mind.  You start out by writing your vision,  this is a paragraph or two describing your life in 10 years time.  Where are you living?  What are you doing?  Who are you with?  From there you write a short and specific 10 year goal for your career, personal, and health.  Once you have the end in mind, you trickle down to your 5 and 1 year goals, thinking about what you need to do in those years to get to your vision.  By using positive words, speaking in the present tense the whole way through and having a specific end date for each goal, you start to get excited about the possibilities and you can see that if you want something, there is a way!  Maybe it takes a little hard work, but all the best things do.  


You are living in a world where only 1% of it's population is wealthy (financially independent).   ONE PERCENT.  That's 1 out of every 1,000 people.  That's shocking considering we are in the best money making time there has ever been in history!  I don't know about you, but I want money for the freedom that comes along with it.  I don't want to have to limit myself in anyway because I can't afford it.  Money is just a piece of paper, I know that, but it is unrealistic to say, "I don't need money" or "money's not important" when we live in a society that values money more that anything.  I want to help the world, I want to start businesses that are considered the best in their field, I want to start organizations to teach kids how to grow up in this crazy, chaotic world, I want to live in Hawaii and wake up to the sounds and smells of the ocean, I want to take surfing lessons and learn to sail, I want to eat at nice restaurants and wear nice clothing, I want to go to financial seminars and take business classes,  I want to rescue animals and give them a sanctuary where they can freely roam.  All these things take money, and lots of it.  I wish that wasn't the case, but it is.  And now more than ever.  Just like in the wild, if you don't adapt, you will get wiped out.

Since changing my diet, I feel like everything is unfolding right in front of me and I am utterly amazed at my excitement for life.  When you are in line with your life and your vision, you will attract only things in line with your vision also, whether its people doing the same thing that you can learn from, a place to be yourself, or opportunities to make money towards your goal..  I promise, it is a life changing process and to see your goals written on paper is the first step to attracting what you want/need in life.

Check out this post and download the goal worksheet to get started.  My life will never be the same, and I hope the same for you.


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