Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It comes naturally

I've been waking up at 5:30am for the past week and a half to start my day with yoga and it's been surprisingly easy to get used to this routine.  Before changing my diet and mindset, I was trying everyday to do the same thing but only made it up before 7 a couple times.  It was so hard to get out of bed and I would hit the alarm and think, "What's the point of getting up when I can go back to sleep and be comfortable."  Before, I was eating big bowls of rice or pasta for dinner and would go into a "food coma" and go to sleep that way.  It's no wonder why I couldn't get out of bed in the morning.  Eating the way I do now, fruits and veggies, I rarely feel "FULL" but satisfied, which is a 100 times better.  You are not immovable or lazy after a meal, you have energy and motivation to get things done.

A couple things that have changed about me since starting the Whole30 on the 22nd:

-decreased computer time (mindlessly staring at blogs)
-decreased movie time (I don't have a tv but would watch at least one movie a night, now it's maybe a 30 min tv show if any)
-increased memory (remembering people names easily)
-more energy, motivation, more creative
-able to awake easily in the mornings (even with little sleep)
-happier, more appreciative
-am not starving all the time, less cravings
-more focus!

I feel so grateful to be 23 years YOUNG and have all the knowledge I do now and all the opportunities that have came to me the past couple weeks.  Some people don't start even considering some of the changes I've made until they are much older, and some people never start at all.  There will be more changes to come, I'm sure of it, and I can't wait to see how I'm feeling at the end of the 30 days!

This morning I practiced Yoga through Yogis Anonymous Live Videos and was grateful to hear this message by Kate Cariati;

"I’m just in a great mood today..  You know when you feel like things are just flowing, you're in your element and you're like oh thats how its supposed to be..  feels good, really natural, natural state of being.   Sometimes it's such a struggle to get there, and when you have to fight that hard were maybe not doing what were supposed to be doing.  If its that big of a fight every day to get out of bed to go do something its not right....  We want ease, we want flow.  Sometimes we just have to sort of surrender into it and open up to the mystery, have a little faith in the universe.  We just accept that we are little sparks of the divine instead of trying to prove it all the time, we just are."

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