Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Her name is Rebekah Borucki, aka, Bex..  She's a mother of four, vegan and a fitness and yoga instructor.  Basically, she's amazing.  Not to mention gorgeous to the point where it's kind of hard to stop staring.  I found her youtube account the other month when I wanted to check out some faster paced yoga videos and I fell in love with her personality and her lifestyle. 

 Her kids are ADORABLE, watch the video above and see what I mean.  Just wait till he gives himself a hug :)  I read a comment on this video that said, "I will not be responsible for any babies made due to this video" and it made me laugh so hard...  I swear I never will have kids of my own (I will adopt when I'm like 60 :p ) but watching her beautiful interactions with her kids makes me feel a longing for that feeling... It's entirely innocent pure love.  Unexplainable and serene.  It's different than the love you have with your boyfriend, it's entirely free of judgements or demands.  It's just you and this pure being that has no expectations for you and just wants you to be there with it and love it for who it is.  

We come into this world with no expectations except to make the most of every second and to be happy.  It's sad that this doesn't last long as we venture out into society (or even our own house).  We're taught that we are not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough.  We don't like the right things, we don't dress the right way, put that down, don't touch that, act like a lady, be a man...  Who's to say what's right and what's wrong?  Listening to the majority will only turn you away from your natural state of being, which is how you come into this world, pure, happy, non-judgemental, not afraid to try new things, not willing to sacrifice your preferences to satisfy a group of people who obviously aren't looking out for your best interest.  

Take a moment to watch this video and gather the pure positive energy inside of you that you were born with.  It's still in there, just got lost along the way...  Learning to be calm and positive is like catching the train instead of walking...  You will attract the things you want when you come into alignment with who you really are.  Your mind is a powerful magnet, choose what you want to attract into your life and you'll be amazed at the endless opportunities that will open to you.

More on Bex:

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