Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ready for a serious change

I feel completely brand new, like my mind has been washed of all negativity, self doubt & laziness.  Just last week, it was as if my soul was screaming at me to make a change but I didn't know how or what was wrong.
I've been vegan for 8 or 9 years now and my diet consists mostly of soy, vegetables, and grains.  Most of my creative effort in the kitchen goes into baking, so I was eating big bowls of rice and fried veggies with 3 or 4 chocolate chip cookies (okay, maybe more..) every night.  Mixed in was lots of soymilk and banana smoothies, oatmeal and french fries.  Not exactly healthy..  I was so young when I made the switch to a vegan diet and noone around me really supported my decision.  I was searching the internet for comfort food recipes and bad habits developed fast; lots of frying and sugary sweets.  I always considered myself healthy based on the fact that I was vegan and it never occurred to me that I needed a serious change until I researched the Whole30 diet, thanks to Mary Beth
Since cutting grains, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and legumes (especially soy) from my diet, I have more energy, motivation and a healthy glow.  I have become so much more creative with my meals; roasted broccoli, tomato and garlic with nut hummus in boiled cabbage leaves, cauliflower rice with broiled mushrooms, carrots, broccoli ad tomatoes.  A feeling of balance has returned to me and my life is more stable and in line with who I really am, which brings me so much joy and appreciation for everything around me.  Conscious changes have spiraled into my everyday activities from waking up early to start my day with yoga, to how I react to a negative comment, to what I brush my teeth with (now baking soda).  I'm sticking with these changes after the 30 days is over, maybe adding some raw cheesecake here and there :)  It's amazing how one decision can affect your entire life.  

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