Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Raw collard wrap with cashew sour cream

These are really easy if you have a good food processor.

Cashew Sour Cream
1 c cashews, soaked +1/3 c cashews, raw
1 c water
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt or to taste

Soak cashews in water for 2-4 hours.  Mix everything in food processor and blend until thick and smooth, adding more raw cashews to thicken if it is watery.

Simple Salsa
1/4 red onion
20 grape tomatoes
1/2 tsp garlic powder
salt & pepper to taste

Dice onion and tomatoes and mix with spices.  Let sit in fridge for a couple hours to mix flavors.

Collard Greens

Use 2 large leaves for each wrap.  Cut stems off-only the part where there are no leaves, and shave the thick part of the stem down so it is roughly the same thickness as the leaf, check out this website for visuals.  Place leaves in a bowl, heat some water to warm (not hot!) and pour it over the greens.  Let it sit for about 5-10 mins, just to soften them up a little.


For the filling you can be really creative, but I like to julienne yellow squash, zucchini, red bell pepper and carrots with avocado and hulled sunflower seeds.

Place your leaves head to foot, so opposite stalks are aligned (check above website for visuals).  Spread some cashew sour cream, add veggies, add avocado, spread some salsa on top and sprinkle sunflower seeds.  Wrap like you would a tortilla, folding bottoms up and pulling sides over to close.

I served these with a side of cooked mushrooms & green onion.

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