Sunday, January 29, 2012

Learn to say "So what! It doesn't matter!"

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Todays service at the Hollywood Temple was truly inspirational and spot on.  I've never been big on religion in general, but the Self-Realization Fellowship is a place to come and meet some wonderful people, meditate and listen to some positive messages- no matter what your religious background or beliefs.

Todays topic at service was "God's Vital Laws of Health and Well-Being".  The topic of Karma was touched with an emphasis on eating right - cutting meat out of your diet and not overeating.  I loved this as I have realized first hand the past week that eating right can really change your life drastically.  He told a story of when he was little, he HATED broccoli, and his mom would serve it with every meal.  So for a while he would sit there and miserably eat it until one day he looked around and saw everyone else enjoying it and thought to himself, "If they like it maybe I can like it".  So he ate the broccoli saying to himself "MMM this is good! I love this!".  He still hated it.. So the next day he did the same thing.  At the end of that meal he still didn't like it but thought to himself, "I can kind of see why someone would like this".  The next day he did the same thing, and by the end of that meal, he loved it!  Just goes to show you that happiness comes from within and is not dependent on your outside situation.

Another good lesson was learning to say "So what! It doesn't matter!"  How many times have you gone through life feeling bad for yourself because someone didn't understand you or you didn't get something you wanted.  Learn to say "SO WHAT!" instead of sitting around feeling bad for yourself.  Brush it off and move on!  You will miss so many amazing opportunities if you are focusing on the negative instead of reaching for the positive.

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