Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How to deal with annoying people

I love this, a 9 years old with asperger's talks about ways to deal with annoying people.

I really have a hard time dealing with ignorant and annoying people.. It affects my mood and sometimes can affect my whole day.  In the spirit of change, this is one of the things I am working on.  I've realized that happiness comes from within and is not dependent upon the current situation.  You shouldn't depend on others for your happiness and if something someone else does can bring you down, it just means you're not in balance with your self.
I've learned to look at every situation from all points of view, not just mine.  Looking at a situation from a different perspective will disarm you and you will be able to realize that you have your reasons why you think you are right and they have theirs.  No one is wrong, you just have different perspectives which is great.  Imagine a world where we all thought the same...  we would have one tv station, one song playing over and over on the radio, 5,000 artist drawing the same picture..
Difficult situations provide room for growth.  When you know what you don't want, you know what you do want and can attract it into your life.  You attract what you are focused upon, so if you sit around for hours replaying the bad situation in your head, you will soon attract more of the like.  Learn to let it go and use that situation as fuel to attract more of what you want.
Learning to be happy in any situation will make you a stronger person and you will eventually not be put into these situations anymore because you will be so in-tune with your self you will attract good situations like a magnet.

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