Saturday, January 28, 2012


Today is day 7 of the Whole30 lifestyle/diet.  One successful week with no grains, legumes, alcohol, caffeine, potatoes anddddd sugar.  I am already vegan and have eliminated processed foods from my diet a long time ago, but sugar... ah sugar.  That's what I crave the most.  I'm a huge baker and always make sure to have some cookie/cupcake on hand.  You can have sweets on this diet if you use the right ingredients, but realizing I'm pretty addicted, I decided to go the whole month without to give my body a break.

This is not a diet for me, it's a lifestyle shift.  Feeling totally out of balance lately, this change couldn't have come at a more perfect time.  It's opened my eyes to a whole new world.  I've learned to be more creative, more positive, to try new things and to create discipline in my life.  I feel absolutely amazing, strong, and like my mind has been washed of negativity and fear.  

Thanks to Mary Beth for introducing me to such a positive change.

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